Salem Street Realty
Russ Copersito


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I take great pride in listening to my customers, and understanding your goals and needs. My new home page is a result of that commitment to you. I am still working on the final touches of the remainder of the site.  Please bear with me as some pages will not be fully functional as we complete site construction.  I hope you find my site to be informational, as well as user-friendly. Please visit us again soon!

I take great pride in listening to my customers, and understanding your goals and needs. My new home page is a result of that commitment to you. I hope you find my site to be informational, as well as user-friendly. Please visit us again soon!

Hello, I'm Russ Copersito, Broker in Charge with Salem Street Realty

Prior to my real estate career I held various management positions with Home Depot. My years at Home Depot play an important part in my current profession with my knowledge of homes and what it takes to keep clients happy.

Buying a home can be one of your most significant investments in life. Not only are you choosing your dwelling place, and the place in which you will bring up your family, you are most likely investing a large portion of your assets into this venture. The more prepared you are at the outset, the less overwhelming and chaotic the buying process will be. Remember, if you have any questions about the process, I’m only a phone call or email away!

I take great pride in listening to my customers, and understanding your goals and needs. My new home page is a result of that commitment to you. I hope you find my site to be informational, as well as user-friendly. Please visit us again soon!



Local • 919-271-5921  
Postal address
223 N. Salem Street, Apex, NC  27502
Electronic mail


Equal Housing MLS REALTOR
Copyright © 2012 Russ Copersito